Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Treasure Hunting Willow Trees and Rivers.

I like going on adventures with Caleb.
Mostly because he is an amazing person to go on adventures with, but also because he ALWAYS
remembers to invite God to come along adventuring with us.

On Memorial Day, Caleb and I went on a pretty amazing adventure...we drove to Devils Lake State Park. (We were going to meet some friends, but they had already left--we were quite late.) When we arrived, we realized that it was a very full state park. Full of lots of people.
And Caleb and I don't like to be in the midst of crowds. We like being just us two.
So we left!
"Where should we go, Jesus?" I asked.
"Turn right." He replied to both of us. Simultaneously. So we turned right.
After a bit, he told us both (seperately) to turn right again. Then he told Caleb to stop because I was distracted by picking out music. (That's why there's two of us.)
We were parked by a
beautiful river in Baraboo.

This river had a winding concrete pathway, following the loops and turns of the water. It led us beneath cathedral like canopies of trees, along open park ground...
and by a slim hole in some bushes.
"Here!" God whispered, and we wordlessly ventured into the green darkness where we discovered a grove of willow trees, hidden from all eyes but those of the dragonflies flittering among the willow wands.

To be in love is magical, and to go on adventures with your Prince Charming and your Best Friend is more magical still. Dragonflies and willow wands are merely the glittering trail of the shooting star.

And finally, as the last treasure in our golden day, God took us a round about way home. To our immense surprise we found ourselves waiting for a ferry to take across the lake. As we leaned out over the water, the sunset threw shards of orange light all around us. We stared at each other happily and sighed.

"How nice it is," God whispered,
"For the three of us to be young and in love."


  1. This was an amazing adventure that God gave us. The sort of adventure that little hobbits will write books about later.... :)

  2. I'm so glad that it was a lovely day for you two. I remember taking that ferry (well, not that particular one but the one at that spot) when I was a little girl. It was such an exciting adventure! Grandma was always terrified and wouldn't get out of the car, my sisters were "old" and "bored" and wouldn't get out of the car, but Grandpa and I would explore and make it a special time for the two of us. Sigh! I wish you could remember Grandpa better.

    Anyway, what fun to have a God adventure together!!!

  3. I didn't know that you'd been there before. I wish I remembered Grandpa more as well....he would have liked Caleb very much. They both have that goofy sense of humor. Don't you think?
    It was tremendous fun. Caleb and I are going to start playing that more often, aren't we love? (Then we WILL write books about them later...even though we aren't hobbits...!!!)

  4. I love this blog post. It makes my heart feel all fluttery and sweet. You two are the most darling little couple. xxoo
