The scattering of ink stains, caught on a set of keys and speckling a computer screen...these are my musings, my thoughts, and moments that my Prince and I live out our wild, romantic adventure together. We decided we wanted to share them with you...

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Test of Obedience.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Perfectly Adorable Boys
“Did you know that Monday is our four month anniversary?” Caleb announced chirpily. Caleb always sounds chipper. It is just his way.
“I did. What romantic thing shall we do?” I sat on the stairs with a joyous plop. “Can we be romantic when we are broke?”
“Why yes!” Caleb said. And then he said this poem to me, in a most dramatic, romantic way. Just like this….
Your eyes are deeper than the depths of the sea
But they are full not of water,
But of beauty
And of mystery.
You are like a…
A rose!
You are like an unattainable rose at the top
Of the highest mountain
Many have sought to pluck this rose
But have failed.
But hark! A prince!
A prince climbs to the top of the mountain!
Plucks the rose!
Stares deep into it’s beauty
And states,
(Both heroically and romantically)
I have won and you are mine.”
Perfectly adorable boys prance about their rooms as they come up with beautiful poetry on the spot for their princesses.
I have a perfectly adorable boy.
Day One
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Oriole Nest
The Oriole Nest
I have a new home.
It is like an oriole nest, I tell my sister.
Three walls are bright orange.
One wall in dark chocolate brown.
And sometimes it makes me wonder
If there is any chocolate to be had
For eating. Instead of staring.
My oriole nest is above two love-birds
Their names are Becki and Timothy O’Brien.
That is my sister.
She creates magic in her mind and fingers.
I love thunderstorms.
She loves rainbows.
But she loves Timmy most.
My oriole nest is snug and sweet.
The sweetest bits are two photos.
One on my desk.
One on my shelf.
I miss my perfect prince.
(I have an amazingly perfect prince.)
His name is Caleb.
My oriole nest has two large windows.
My bed lies right beneath them.
I watch the sunrise make the world yawn.
I watch the sunset wick the color away.
From everything.
Except my oriole nest.
That stays orange. Orange and chocolate!
I have a new home.
It is like an oriole nest, I tell my Lord.
Three walls are bright orange.
And one chocolate brown.
Together, my Lord and I watch each sunrise
And each sunset.
Together, we miss my prince
And write him letters.
He tells me that He loves my oriole nest.
And I admire his sun.