The scattering of ink stains, caught on a set of keys and speckling a computer screen...these are my musings, my thoughts, and moments that my Prince and I live out our wild, romantic adventure together. We decided we wanted to share them with you...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010
What God Said.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Catch A Falling Star...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Oriole's Goodmorning
Today, I met a bird.
In my oriole nest.
It thought it would sing by my head
To wake me up
And that I would invite him in.
For breakfast I suppose…
But I don’t eat worms.
I am sure it must have seen
My walls shine through the curtains
Brilliant orange...
(And chocolate)
It must have seen me sleeping
Lying in a drift of downy pillows
Dreaming that I could fly.
Like an oriole.
It must have noticed that I hit my alarm
Nearly five times.
It must have thought that the alarm
Was not a pretty morning sound
A sound to wake to dawn too.
A sound to yawn too.
So it sang for me.
A chirp, a trill, a “Goodmorning, oriole.”
“May I come in and sing with you?”
My eyes opened to the sky
Grey and dim with rainy light
Radiant blue with a soprano’s notes…
Blazing with song in the darkness
Today I met a bird.
It knew I was an oriole.
And it sang goodmorning for me.
And that is so much more inspiring
Than an alarm.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Meet the Students: Alice Denyer

Name: Alice Denyer
What animal noise are you skilled at making? Monkey
Water vs. coke Water.
Any other information you would like to share J My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. I love variety and helping people reach their goals.
Meet the Students: Chasity Thiessen

Name: Chasity Thiessen
Where are you from? Winkler, Manitoba Canada
Where and when did you do your DTS? Perth Australia in 2007
I enjoy…Dancing, soccer, doing fun random things spontaneously
Countries I have been To: Australia, Germany, France, America, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, China
Chocolate vs. Vanilla? Both. I like chocolate bars and vanilla ice cream
Water vs. coke? Water
What country would you love to visit? Italy and Saudi Arabia
Favorite Bible passage/verse? Romans 8:28, Isaiah 55
Your goal in this school?
To grow in my relationship with God as well as to learn how to study and teach others how to study the Bible, so people and nations will be transformed by God’s Word.
Chasity is also my one-on-one!
Meet the Students: Taek Jun Jung

Name: Taek Jun Jung
Chocolate vs. Vanilla Chocolate
What animal noise are you skilled at making? snake
What country would you love to visit? Any country! If I have to choose, then China, North Korea and Japan
My first week of DTS in Hawaii, I sat on a sea urchin. So I had some needles in my upper butt. It was an ice breaker for me.
Meet the Students: Gyeongok Lee

Name: Gyeongok Lee
Where are you from? Seoul, Korea
Sky diving vs. Knitting Sky diving
Water vs. coke Orange juice
Your goal in this school? To know more about God through the Bible.
Meet the Students: Kathy Estelle

Name: Kathleen (Kathy) Estelle
Where are you from? Hillman, Minnesota
I enjoy….(cooking, hiking, soccer, art, reading, sleeping…etc.) Reading, hiking, talking to friends
Countries I have been To: China, Israel, Austria, Germany, Guam, Switzerland, France, Italy, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Norway
Chocolate vs. Vanilla There is only chocolate!
Sky diving vs. Knitting Riding a cable car.
What country would you love to visit? Australia or New Zealand
Favorite Bible passage/verse? “Ask of me and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.” Psalms 2:8
Any other information you would like to share J I love to spend time on the internet with my Chinese friends.
Meet the Students: Lender Alger

Name: Lender Alger
Where are you from? Ouanaminthe, Haiti
Where and when did you do your DTS? St. Marc, Haiti January 2003
Countries I have been To: Jamaica, Turks & Caicos Islands, Dominican Republic
Chocolate vs. Vanilla Vanilla
Sky diving vs. Knitting Neither.
Water vs. coke Water.
What country would you love to visit? Canada, Japan, Africa
Favorite Bible passage/verse? John 3:16
Any other information You would like to share J I LOVE YWAM.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Brooke Saunders

Where and when did you do your DTS? In Los Angeles, California
What is your hometown/country? It is Atascadero, California USA
Chocolate or vanilla? Definitely chocolate! Dark is best...mmmm...ya the darker the better
Hawaii or Alps? Hawaii! Warmth and sun makes me happy!
Sushi or enchiladas? Sushi! I love fish. It is delicious especially raw:)
Hiking or reading? Hiking, outside and being active and exercise are 3 of my favorite things! I can always get that book on tape anyways.
Favorite Bible verse/passage?
Abe Lee
Where and when did you do your DTS? Madison, WI 2008
What is your hometown/country? Iowa
Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
Hawaii or Alps? Alps
Sushi or enchiladas? Sushi - no comparison.
Hiking or reading? Hiking.
Favorite Bible verse/passage? John 11:35
Abe Lee was in my DTS two falls ago. He has a funny sarcastic humor, and also a heart that's deeply committed to God. He is a youth pastor at a Korean church in Chicago IL. Abe is an amazing guitarist, and also our very talented worship leader for the BSN school. It is quite common to hear him playing in his room, or in the YWAM Global Missions Center sanctuary, beautiful background music to all the studying and working going on!
Heidi Evans
Where and when did you do your DTS? 1987 Cambridge ONT Canada
What is your hometown/country? Kitchener, Canada
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate – no question!
Hawaii or Alps? Hawaii? That was tough
Sushi or enchiladas? Sushi
Hiking or reading? Hiking
Favorite Bible verse/passage? There are lots that I like!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mark Evans
Where and when did you do your DTS? 1987 Tyler TX
What is your hometown/country? Melbourne, Australia
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Hawaii or Alps? Hawaii
Sushi or enchiladas? Enchiladas
Hiking or reading? Hiking
Favorite Bible verse/passage? Book of 1 John
Mark Evans is guest staff here at Madison BSN team. The BSN was created by a team of YWAMmers, of which he was a significant participant. Mark has a lovely Australian accent, a gentle voice and strong opinions. He adores his two young daughters Emma (4 years) and Meg (1 1/2 years). They love to go to the zoo together. Mark grew up in Papua New Guinea in a missionary family.
Sarah Welther
Choc or Vanilla: Coffee
Sushi or Enchiladas: Sushi!
Hiking or reading: Reading
Favorite Bible passage: I don't have just one!
Sarah has a sweet gentle personality, with a gift for noticing people and speaking in their 'language'. Decorating and photography express her creativity with beautiful style. Her heart is always hungry for new learning. She dreams of bringing Biblical training into the unreached world. She and her husband David have a beautiful baby girl named Rouen with huge black eyes and the cutest smile.
David Welther
Where and when did you do your DTS?
Lausanne Switzerland 2001
What is your hometown/country? USA
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Hawaii or Alps? Alps
Sushi or enchiladas? Sushi
Hiking or reading? Reading
Favorite Bible verse/passage? John 1:1-3 (if you make me choose ;)
Missie Christenson
Where and when did you do your DTS? Madison, WI 2005
What is your hometown/country? Madison, WI
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate for candy, vanilla for ice cream.
Hawaii or Alps? Haiti
Sushi or enchiladas? Enchiladas!!
Hiking or reading? Reading about hiking!
Favorite Bible verse/passage? Galatians 6:4, Psalm 27, and the book of Philippians
Missie is as full of high energy enthusiasm, impromptu singing, and random dancing as anyone I have ever met. She laughs half the day, and cries usually once. Her eyes are the most brilliant expressive blue. She loves the Old Testament, particularly the Pentateuch. Friends are made almost instantly, and are kept indefinitely. Missie has a gift for love. The best way for her to communicate with God is through music.
Dow Saunders Assistant Leader
What’s your name? Woodbury Dow Saunders the 3rd
Where and when did you do your DTS? July 2002 in Townsville, Australia
What is your hometown/country? I am from Portland, Maine
Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
Hawaii or Alps? I used to say Alps... but Hawaii has mountains too :)
Sushi or enchiladas? Sushi
Hiking or reading? What? How can I choose between my two favorite passions?
Favorite Bible verse/passage?
Galatians 5:1 - "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Favorite person? Brooke Saunders
Dow Saunders has a gregarious, animated personality. He is a passionate Biblical scholar with a brilliant mind. Dow enjoys drama, literature, history, and loves Australian outback hats. He and Brooke love to go hiking together. Dow has a sweet thoughtful spirit, and is always sure that everyone around him is taken care of and loved and laughing! He is also the organized detailed saint that keeps all the rest of us on track!
Manuel Ramminger, BSN School Leader
Where and when did you do your DTS?
January 2001 in Amsterdam
What is your hometown/country?
Gummersbach, Germany
Chocolate or vanilla? Peanut Butter Cups.
Hawaii or Alps? Hawaii
Sushi or enchiladas? Bratwurst.
Hiking or reading? Gardening.
Favorite Bible verse/passage? Deuteronomy 23:10-13
Manuel is another of my favorite people. He was my BSN school leader last year, and also my outreach leader to China and Japan. He has a quirky sense of humor, passion for discipleship, and a heart to change the world through Biblical training. He has been a great mentor and friend for me over the past year. He is married to Brandy Ramminger, and has a beautiful daughter named Harper Lee (almost a year). He enjoys walking his dog Rocko, playing with his baby daughter and gardening. He also loves traveling to Asia, playing soccer, and campfires.