Monday, April 19, 2010

What God Said.

This morning I awoke suddenly. I slapped at my alarm, and looked out the window. It was still dark. A patch of dingy blue light indicated an imminent sunrise. I glared at it. A bird began chirping outside my window. I threw it an accusing glare. My covers were ripped off my bed as I grumbled, and scowled, and felt more like a thundercloud than a girl.
"I don't WANT to get up," I informed God in a black voice. "Not even a little bit. Not even the teeniest, tiniest bit and...!" At this point, I had not even made it to my bedroom door.
"Go back to bed." He said.
"Go back to bed."
"...for real?" I looked at my bed. The blankets lay in a turbulent mess that looked so enticing. "If I do, I will fall asleep," I said suspiciously. "Then I'll be late."
"Go get into that bed, Rynn. We are going to have a snuggle-time."
I gave in. But after crawling back into my bed, I did not fall asleep as I had supposed I would. There, my head buried under a pillow, I whispered all of the reasons that I didn't want to get out of bed today.
"I am tired. My head hurts still. I hate getting up at 5:30! I am scared to teach this morning. I don't FEEL like being a grown-up, I want to be a two-year-old and stay in bed and wake up to pancakes and play dough! I miss Caleb. Ooooh, I am soooo crabby! Nobody loves me in all the world!" Quite dramatic. I admit this.
Mercifully, God allowed my ridiculous rampage, and by the end of our time in bed snuggling, He had whispered a gentle response to each of my grumbling complaints.
Laughing at myself was the result. The second time I slid from my blankets, my heart was light. I even leapt into the shower singing.
Because God said to go back to bed.


  1. I love your God stories dearest. :)
    You inspire me!

  2. You can be a little thundercloud in the morning. I am glad that God gave you hugs and love and made your day brighter. It is amazing how he can do that!
