Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Oriole's Goodmorning

Today, I met a bird.

In my oriole nest.

It thought it would sing by my head

To wake me up

And that I would invite him in.

For breakfast I suppose…

But I don’t eat worms.

I am sure it must have seen

My walls shine through the curtains

Brilliant orange...

(And chocolate)

It must have seen me sleeping

Lying in a drift of downy pillows

Dreaming that I could fly.

Like an oriole.

It must have noticed that I hit my alarm

Nearly five times.

It must have thought that the alarm

Was not a pretty morning sound

A sound to wake to dawn too.

A sound to yawn too.

So it sang for me.

A chirp, a trill, a “Goodmorning, oriole.”

“May I come in and sing with you?”

My eyes opened to the sky

Grey and dim with rainy light

Radiant blue with a soprano’s notes…

Blazing with song in the darkness

Today I met a bird.

It knew I was an oriole.

And it sang goodmorning for me.

And that is so much more inspiring

Than an alarm.


  1. This is fun, beautiful, and brilliant all at the same time! I love it Rynn! I I like your word creations very much. :)

    And yay for alluding to soprano notes :D heeheehee <3

  2. Your are truly a poet!!! and an amazing young lady!! dad

  3. My beautiful little birdy. I love to have you snuggled all fuzzy headed and cozy upstairs. You bring such a happy presence to my household, and I love my sweet Princess! xxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
